David Jackson
East London
• Foundation in Art & Design
• BA Graphic Design: University of Salford
• Skills in all the relevant applications including: Adobe Apps, Quark, Fontographer. Working knowledge of Adobe Edge, Basic Sketch skills and in-depth understanding of tablet publishing Oppolis software GoMobile
I'm a creative Art Director with years of experience in editorial graphic design for both customer and newstand titles. Digital and social content.
During that time, I've directed large-budget photo-shoots, commissioned photographers, illustrators and created brand marketing content. Online I have contributed to the construction of websites, microsites and catalogues, created custom fonts and even directed some film, working with production companies.
The idea was to create a non-too-serious site for myself and visitors and a gallery for my ideas and pictures. It’s a playground of the unfinished, unpolished and otherwise unworthy.
This site is designed to be a space away from my day to day work. A roughly curated area for digital play, doodles, experiments and a home for the snaps I take with my trusty mirror-less camera.
The images I take, I process using RAW files and the odd Fujifilm presets - hence the title Sans Filter, a nod towards my background as a graphic designer, my practice of doodling, drawing type and the 'fuss' free approach to images collated here
Lots of people have been very encouraging and influential over the years, both professionally and personally, I'd like to give thanks to just a few here.
So in no particular order : Nina Brennan • Robert Jackson • Fabien Ecard • Mitchy Bwoy • Jim Lister • Budr El Nusairi • Emily El Nusairi • Graham Rounthwaite • Heiko Prigge • MW Bewick • Simon Purnel • Paul Wilson • Deborah Wald

Sans Filter by David Jackson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.